Top 3 Places to Put Vinyl Stickers and Decals on Your Car

Top 3 Places to Put Vinyl Stickers and Decals on Your Car

Vinyl stickers and decals are a popular way to personalise your car, showcase your style, or promote your business. However, choosing the best spots on your vehicle to place these decals can significantly enhance their visibility and impact. Here are the top three places to put vinyl stickers and decals on your car.

Rear window vinyl decal business branding. Gloss white rear window decals.

Rear Window

The rear window is arguably the best spot for vinyl decals and stickers due to its high visibility. When you're driving, vehicles behind you will have a clear view of any message or design you choose to display. This area is perfect for branding, promotional messages, or decorative elements that you want to be seen by a large audience.


  • Use bright bold colours to maintain strong visibility.
  • Ensure placement does not interfere with rear wiper blades.
  • Clean the window thoroughly before application to ensure good adhesion.

Side Doors

Side doors provide a large canvas that is ideal for business branding, logos, or larger decorative graphics. These areas are highly visible when the car is parked or in motion, making them perfect for making a bold statement or promoting your business effectively.


  • Align decals carefully to ensure they are level and symmetrical.
  • Avoid placing decals too close to the edges to prevent peeling.

Front Bonnet / Windscreen

The front hood is another prime location for vinyl decals, offering a large, flat surface perfect for bold, eye-catching designs. Whether you’re showcasing a personal design, a brand logo, or a striking graphic, the front hood is sure to get noticed.


  • Be cautious when applying decals near the engine / engine bay, as this are can become hot.
  • Avoid placing decals near windshield wipers to prevent damage.
  • Thoroughly clean the surface before applying the decal to ensure it adheres properly.


Choosing the right spots to place vinyl stickers and decals on your car can significantly enhance their visibility and impact. The rear window, side doors, and front hood are the top three places that offer high visibility and large surface areas, making them ideal for personal expression, business branding, or decorative designs. By following the tips provided, you can ensure that your decals are applied correctly and remain durable, maintaining their appearance for a long time. Happy decorating!

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